- When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of your order.
- You may not cancel or amend your order (including the delivery address, changes to colour or size, or removing items) after your order has been placed.
- Please ensure all details provided are full and correct at the time of order placement.
- You can log in to your account at anytime to check the status of your order under ‘Order History’
- Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a shipping confirmation email that will contain your tracking number.
- If you placed your orders via TIKTOK, we only allow SIZE EXCHANGES and returns will be in the form of STORE CREDITS
- All orders will be automatically cancelled after 24 hours of non-payment.
- Orders placed will be shipped out within 1-3 working days. For festive/ sale period, additional 1-5 days may be required.
- Combinations of orders are strictly not allowed as we may not be notified in time to do so due to relatively large amount of emails we receive everyday.
- #hailex6style items are not eligible for any discount codes
- We accept various mode of payment;
- ShopcadaPay | Accepts VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express and many other major credit/debit card payments online.
- Paynow/ Payanyone | Paynow/Payanyone to 6STYLE UEN number: 53393677B.
- PayPal | Accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and many other major credit/debit card payments online.
- I-Banking | You may bank transfer to OCBC ACCOUNT: 601-434186-001.
- Grabpay | Pay by your Grabpay account using Grab app.